Wednesday, January 8, 2014

"Will the Fake Rick Ross Please Put A Fucking Shirt On?" By Vuddha


MMG boss, Rick Ross recently won a name dispute with former drug mastermind Freeway Rick Ross in court. Read the full article after the jump.

Will the fake Rick Ross please put a fucking shirt on? Do you know Rick Ross’s real name? No, I’m not asking about the LA drug lord that supplied Los Angeles’s cocaine addiction throughout the 1980’s, I’m talking about William Roberts II, the oval-shaped beast who’s grunts have become etched in your poor mind thanks to shit radio circulation.
The original Rick Ross, known as “Freeway,” claimed Williams (fat Rick Ross) "chose to use the name 'Rick Ross' due to the content of his music, and did not attempt infringement.” So we have a lawsuit.
Note; The rapping Ross talks about trafficking cocaine and living a lavish life fueled by drug money. Either he is telling the truth and jail awaits his dumbass, or he’s been lying, in which case, his lies are eerily similar to the life lived by the man who’s name Fat Ross has taken. 
Fat Ross knew who Freeway Ross was. Fat Ross claimed Freeway Ross’s story “grabbed him.”
For an industry so goddamn concerned with copyright infringement, the irony that a major label artist took another man’s fucking name is the height of irony.
Fat Ross got off. First Amendment. Ultimately, what we have here is an ex drug lord against an obese radio puppet. I don’t give a damn about who wins. You shouldn’t either. Go start a business, change your life, find love.
 - Vuddha 

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