Saturday, February 1, 2014

"What's An Album?" by Vuddha


One of the more complex question's of today's music has been, what's an album? With mixtapes and EP's sounding better than Grammy nominated projects, what separates the two? Read Vuddha's thoughts on the question after the jump. 

“I was driven to ask myself in all seriousness: “What is the myth you are living?” I found no answer to this question, and had to admit that I was not living with a myth, or even in a myth, but rather in an uncertain cloud of theoretical possibilities, which I was beginning to regard with increasing trust… So in the most natural way, I took it upon myself to get to know “my” myth.” –Carl Jung

What is an album? Normally, we get ten to fifteen songs. Those range between three to five minutes normally. These songs have choruses, and verses, normally three respectively. We get an image on the cover, sometimes referred to as album art. This seems a dead art.

That was at least the conventional album. We live in different times. To borrow an economic term and to employ it in the hope of sounding pretentious, the barriers to entry regarding music creation are substantially smaller than they were a decade ago.

Visit The Pirate Bay and get you a cracked version of Ableton. Open the program with dreams of pulsating crowds filled with horny and beautiful teens. Put in your first ten minutes. Let the gravity of the journey before you crush you. This shit won’t be easy. This feeling will stop most of the fools.

There is an outlying group of transcendent fools who won’t know their music sucks. There is little we can do about these.

As for the remaining ten percent, its easy and tempting to think they are years away from controlling the energy of a crowd of thousands solely with frequencies.  Our brain works through stories. Myths. Create a myth were you are the exception. You don’t need a year. You’ll be different.
That myth is addictive. 


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