Saturday, March 8, 2014

Freestyle & The Mystical Experience By Vuddha


Vuddha checks in once again, taking us into the psychology freestyle rap. That a look at this intriguing write-up after the jump.
Freestyling and the Mystical Experience

You know what freestyling and psilocybin mushrooms trips have in common? Inhibited dorsolateral prefrontal cortexes, thats what.

Stay with me. Don't let the physiology terms turn you away. This shit is important.

So American doctors put a few rappers underneath an MRI machine and asked them to start freestyling. When the rappers started hitting their grooves, a part of their brain called the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) started powering down. The current state of neuroscience likes to see the brain as a bunch of little separate parts. They like to think that each section influences certain behaviors. This powered down region is known for governing our "higher" cognitive tasks, such as executive attention (what our conscious mind pays attention too), working memory, and cognitive control.

Swedish scientists have found the same response in the same region of the brain as a result of participants taking an active dose of psilocybin mushrooms. American scientists could have discovered this if our country wasn't so damn terrified of entheogens.

This powering down of the DLPFC is a well studied result of peak experiences. The white coat word creators call it transient hypofrontality.  This basically means when you do something you're good at, such as a sport or some kind of art, and your full attention falls into the activity, you enter a different state of consciousness. This state of consciousness is commonly referred to as flow. (Read the book)

It is no overstatement claiming if you can achieve this state on a daily basis, and you can get paid for either doing that activity or what that activity produces, you will be one of the happiest fuckers alive.

Good luck. 

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