Wednesday, January 8, 2014

SMO Review By Vuddha: SirMichaelOriginal Presents - Breakfast EP

We here at SMO Live$ Here recently released a four track EP on New Years Day entitled Breakfast. Our newest contributor Vuddha shares his thoughts on the project after the jump. 

You ever watch a food network program where some fool is shoveling in mouthfuls and trying to describe it to you, the viewer? That shit creeps me out. I can’t stand television anyways so it may be just me. I just don’t grasp taste through words.

It’s the same for music reviews. When I read reviews and I see writers waxing on about “moody synths” or “crisp kick drums,” it just doesn’t do it for me. These songs aren’t novels. They take a couple of minutes to digest and not an enormous amount of cognitive resources. Listen to them damnit.

SMO’s Breakfast EP is a four-song collection.

1. Kay Franklin – See How It Goes

Slow. More R&B than rap. Nice blunt burner if your thing is chilling alone and thinking about that special someone.

2. The Foreigners – Space Cowboys

This is more my shit. Nice sample, nice flow, void of radio hook mindlessness. Check it out.

3. D’Angelo – Screwed Up

Back to a temp around See How It Goes but with a little flow over the top. You’ll find yourself bobbing your head back a forth.

4. Da Deputy – Hold it Down

Another lovely sample. The opening lines…This is my favorite, and its local. Fuck yea. I’m watching you Deputy.

The Breakfest EP is as advertised. Wake up, get your protein and cannabis, and let this EP get your mind right. Go make today count. Work in the morning like you’ll live 200 years, live at night like you’ll die next time you sleep.

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